What To Do If Glass Breaks In Your Business

Having a plan for when things go wrong can be key to navigating your business successfully during stressful times. Establishing procedures for yourself and your employees before these unforeseen circumstances arrive is always a good idea. If you have a large amount of glass in your establishment, you should be aware of potential issues. Here is how you can handle a commercial glass disaster and remedy things so you can get things back to normal.


When you have glass break in your commercial space, the safety of your employees and customers comes first. Employees should be taught to check on each other and any customers in the store and see if any medical attention is required. Even the slightest injury involving glass could lead to bigger issues, so call for help if anyone is bleeding or visibly hurt. Have a plan to escort everyone inside the business to safety so that glass can be cleaned up and to avoid further injury. 

Clean Up

You may be able to do a quick clean-up yourself, or the situation may require a professional cleaning crew. The cleaning after glass breaks needs to be very thorough so that all pieces of glass are removed. Glass can be hard to see due to its physical properties and even little shards of glass can be a hazard for anyone entering the business. Sweeping can work for most larger pieces but it will take a good vacuum to get rid of the smaller pieces. Fortunately, most repair services will have the proper equipment.

New Commercial Glass

When you replace the broken glass in your business, you should look to upgrade your commercial glass. There are different levels of glass strength you can purchase for unique business needs. If you live in a region that experiences earthquakes or other natural disasters, you can look for glass that is rated for these types of incidents. Glass windows or doors can have tinting installed on top of the glass to help reflect heat. Find a commercial glass contractor to work with. They will be able to go over options with you and help you get the new glass installed correctly and help avoid future issues.

Have a plan for broken glass in your commercial space. Train your employees to keep them safe and help empower them for difficult circumstances. You may want to consider upgrading your commercial glass with a company that can help you avoid these situations in the first place! Look for a commercial glass entry door contractor who does repairs and other services.

About Me

Glass 101: The Basics About Choosing, Care And Repair

Glass is one of those products that you do not give a lot of thought to until there is an issue with it. It is simply there in your life. Whether you need to clean glass, repair glass, or choose a new type of glass for your windows, then you have come a great source of information on this versatile product. From the history of glass to tips for keeping your new glass-topped coffee table streak-free, there is plenty to learn about it. By providing you with all the information you need in one spot, you can keep up current with all things pertaining to glass.



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